Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My New years REsolution in 2009...

HAPPY 2009!!!

Last year 2008, I have many works I never done and there are many things I never get. Last year is good to me because last year I graduated in my High school and my mother came back from abroad. I want this year to do things I never did and this is my New tears resolution, I will go to school early so I will be not late in my class. Because last year, sometimes I was always late and it was so embarrassed for me to enter the class. I will be more responsible enough in doing in my responsibilities in school and also in my school. Because I am old enough to stand in my own. I will practice not to be dependent on my parents. Because my mother was not here with us so I am the eldest child in our family. I will be responsible enough in taking care of my sisters. Because my parents are working. I will be responsible in my schooling because this is for my own good to learn more about my course for my future and to help my parents someday. I will try not to argue with my father because there are things I don't like about what he do. He's still my father so I want to respect him. And specially I will take good care of my health. And that's the things I want to do in this year 2009.

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